Got Trees? Why You NEED a Regular Tree Inspection!

A tree inspection identifies possible issues, including hazards, that can help you address your trees' health, safety, and beauty.

Consider all the aspects of your life that require an inspection or regular checkup: your health, your vehicle, your home, your teeth, your favourite restaurant. Regular checkups are vital to helping prevent potential problems or dangers that could at best be costly to repair or cause irreparable damage, injury, or even the unthinkable. This applies to the trees on your property, too.

To maintain the quality, structural integrity, and safety of your trees, they require regular inspection to ensure there are no issues or problems, existing or future, that threaten any of the above. And, if there are, they can be addressed to prevent possible calamity.

And, as with the weight of heavy winter snow, summer storms can quickly cause damage to trees. Consequently, unhealthy trees can pose serious dangers to your home, property, and potentially, anyone on it in the event of one of our Valley summer storms.

When you hire a professional arborist, a tree inspection can save you money, time, stress or worse while preserving your trees' health, safety, and beauty.

SUMMER STORM SAFETY- Book a Tree Care Inspection with a Certified Arborist today!  CONTACT US >>>>

What is a tree inspection?

why you need a tree inspection

In short, a tree inspection is the meticulous examination of your trees. An arborist evaluates the tree's structure and the surrounding soil to determine various elements of the tree's overall health. The results of the examination provide vital information about the tree.

A basic tree inspection is an overall evaluation of a tree's health, including the soil, by a certified and qualified assessor. It's a task best performed by a professional arborist, such as we have at Green Leaf Tree Services.

More advanced inspections can involve climbing the tree to perform a much more detailed examination of the tree's crown, a root collar excavation to inspect the roots and intrusive sampling such as coring to determine the presence of any rot.

A properly trained tree professional can assess the tree's overall health, vitality and structural components. An inspection identifies if there are any potential structural defects and determines a risk rating as a basis to decide on specific strategies of risk mitigation.

While it may sound complicated, our qualified assessors use a standardized process and template to assess the risk and health of your trees. This process helps to more accurately identify recommended management options to improve the health and, more importantly, the safety of the trees on your property.

What does an inspection identify?

To identify potential risks to people or property, tree Inspections are essential. In some cases, it is required due diligence for land owners and managers to demonstrate that they actively monitor and manage potential tree risks to workers and the public.

A regular tree inspection can:

Detect and diagnose tree diseases and infections early. During a tree inspection, an arborist will evaluate the tree's soil and structure to determine the health of the branches, bark, and more. The assessor looks for tell-tale signs of infection or disease caused by fungi or bacteria. As soon as they identify the signs of illness, an arborist can diagnose the potential issues, concerns, and course of action. 

Identify and diagnose insect infestations. Similar to infection and disease, the impacts of an insect infestation will be visible to a trained and expert eye.

Identify structural defects or damage. Structural damage can make it challenging for the tree to take in the oxygen and water it needs, leaving the tree at higher risk of failure and the potential for property damage. Any damage to the tree from previous storms, incorrect pruning, or other causes that leave the tree vulnerable will be identified during a tree inspection. A qualified assessor will notice damage and suggest repairs or other actionable steps to address the health and safety of your trees. 

Improve tree safety. When an arborist or qualified assessor identifies disease or damage, they help protect the property and the humans and pets that enjoy it. A damaged or compromised tree is dangerous and is more likely to break or even fall. After a tree inspection, you can rest easy and enjoy your property, knowing your trees are healthy, robust, and safe. 

Help avoid tree conflicts with structures, etc. Assessing a young tree that is too close to one of the structures on your property, a driveway or a sidewalk, is better and far less costly than learning that lesson through damage to your property. 

Determine water and nutrient deficiencies. You want your trees to grow to their fullest grandeur! A qualified tree inspection will help you plan a proper watering routine for your tree. Healthy soil is also essential to the health of your trees. An inspection will help you understand the tree's soil needs, including which mulch or fertilizer you should use. 

Like any other inspections and checkups you schedule, the bottom line is that a tree inspection is essential for a safe and healthy yard. A professional assessment of your trees will help identify the corrective measures you need to take to ensure not only the safety and longevity of your trees but also how to help them look their best. 

We want you to enjoy your trees – safely! Trees are beautiful additions and assets to your property, and we want to help you keep them as healthy as possible. 

For your peace of mind, this summer, CONTACT our office TODAY to arrange to have one of our Certified Arborists and Tree Risk Assessors visit your property.