Supporting Our Community: Annual Christmas Tree Chipping Fundraiser

Supporting Our Community: Annual Christmas Tree Chipping Fundraiser

At Green Leaf Tree Services Ltd, we’ve always believed that a strong community is one that supports one another. Since 2008, we’ve been hosting our Annual Christmas Tree Chipping Fundraiser- a tradition that allows us to connect with our neighbors and make a meaningful impact.

This year, with the incredible generosity of community members like you, we raised over $800 for the Golden Food Bank! These funds will directly support local families in need, helping to provide access to nutritious food during the winter months. We are deeply thankful for your participation, and we’re thrilled to share the impact we’ve made together.

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Enhancing Landscape Safety and Health: Certified Arborists in the Columbia-Kootenay Region

Enhancing Landscape Safety and Health: Certified Arborists in the Columbia-Kootenay Region

Life in the Columbia Valley and East Kootenay regions can be challenging for trees due to the extreme weather conditions and occasional prolonged droughts that stress their health. Often, the early signs of tree stress go unnoticed until it’s too late. However, with proper care under the guidance of certified arborists, trees can thrive even in our unique mountain environment.

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Dormant or Winter Tree Pruning – Why Winter is The Ideal Time to Prune Your Trees

Dormant or Winter Tree Pruning – Why Winter is The Ideal Time to Prune Your Trees

Caring for your trees during the dormant – winter – season provides lasting benefits all year long

When we talk about the dormant season, we’re referring to the period of rest where trees enter a phase of inactivity and stop growing. During the weeks leading up and into early winter, they shed their leaves to economize and conserve resources – save them for their brilliant re-emergence in the spring!

So, as we make our way into November, with winter in the air and the dormant season for trees and shrubs just around the corner – it’s the perfect time to prune!

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Assessing Tree Safety After Recent Wind Storms

Assessing Tree Safety After Recent Wind Storms

Have the trees on your property been impacted by the recent wind storms? If you’re unsure whether they’re still safe or simply looking a bit weathered, it’s time to take action.

Both property owners and businesses can benefit from understanding the potential dangers posed by trees. A Certified Tree Risk Assessment can help determine if your tree is at risk of falling or poses a hazard to people and surroundings. Gaining clarity on potential risks is always a wise choice.

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The Perils of Poor Pruning: How Topping Damages Trees Beyond Repair

The Perils of Poor Pruning: How Topping Damages Trees Beyond Repair

In the world of tree care, pruning is often necessary to maintain health, shape, and safety. However, when done incorrectly, pruning practices like topping can wreak havoc on trees, leading to irreversible damage and even premature death. Let's delve into why topping is a perilous practice and why it's crucial to opt for proper pruning methods. When choosing a tree service provider to prune trees on your property it is important to request proof of qualifications and view work completed at previous clients’ properties. Reputable ISA Certified Arborists do not recommend topping trees. Period.

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Migratory Bird Nesting and Tree Care

Migratory Bird Nesting and Tree Care

Migratory Bird Nesting Season: Harmony in Tree Care and Wildlife Preservation

As the seasons change in the Columbia Valley and Southeast Kootenays, nature undergoes its rhythmic transformation, signaling the arrival of nesting season—a pivotal period for birds and wildlife alike. In this delicate dance of life, tree care professionals find themselves at a crossroads, tasked with safeguarding both the well-being of trees and the habitats these creatures call home.

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Integrated Plant Health Care in Columbia Valley and East Kootenays

Integrated Plant Health Care in Columbia Valley and East Kootenays

Trees provide a wide range of benefits to communities, properties, and people. This is why maintaining tree health and protecting against invasive pests is so important. Here in Southeast British Columbia, our trees are facing several challenges caused by invasive pests, disease, drought, nutrient deficiency, and soil disturbance. Fortunately, the Certified Arborists at Green Leaf based in Golden, Invermere, and Kimberley BC have the expertise to preserve the vitality of our local trees through innovative, safe, and effective plant healthcare techniques.

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Green Leaf Tree Services is Branching out to Serve Kimberley and Cranbrook BC

Green Leaf Tree Services is Branching out to Serve Kimberley and Cranbrook BC

Green Leaf Tree Services has long been a trusted name in premium tree care services. With our unwavering commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, we are thrilled to announce the expansion of our operations to the vibrant communities of Kimberley and Cranbrook. For 17 years, Green Leaf Tree Services has set the standard for exceptional tree care in the Columbia Valley, from Golden to Canal Flats, BC. Our team's dedication, expertise, and passion for preserving and enhancing tree health have garnered us a reputation for excellence in the Columbia Valley.

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Important Questions to Ask Prior to Hiring a Tree Service Company

Important Questions to Ask Prior to Hiring a Tree Service Company

When it comes to hiring a tree service company on your property there are some important factors to consider in order to determine reputable companies from those that aren’t. Knowing what to ask can help you determine if you will get the results and service you deserve. So how do you compare care companies objectively? The following questions should help.

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