Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Stump Grinding and FireSmart Treatments in Lake Louise, Alberta and Field BC
The Majestic Rocky Mountains
Green Leaf Tree Services has been providing professional tree care services in Banff, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks for over 15 years. Working within the national parks takes knowledge, experience and proper coordination with Parks Canada. Our Certified Arborists are trusted experts with Parks Canada and are very well versed in all processes related to providing tree care within the National Parks. Not only are the trees that grow in the rugged Rocky Mountains unique, but so are the regulations that must be followed to remove them or care for them.
Tree Care- done right the first time! Skilled, Insured and Certified Arborists serving Lake Louise and Field BC
Every Tree Is Unique
Trees are alive. Their integrity and stability change over time. Our services go beyond hacking at branches. We’re able to improve your trees’ vigor, fix their structural problems and make them safer.
Thin trees to reduce weight and wind resistance
Clean trees to remove deadwood and hangers
Prune young trees to ensure proper form
Remove hazardous trees
Remove large trees
Fix weak structures with cable supports
Recommend actions for long-term tree health
Reduce forest fuels to meet FireSmart guidelines
Certified Tree Risk Assessments are often a requirement for tree removals within the National Parks. Our team of Certified Arborists and assessors can provide the documentation and reports required by Parks Canada to meet their Environmental Assessment requirements. We are also able to coordinate having certified bird and wildlife surveys to meet all regulations that need to be met to receive a Restricted Activity Permit. Our crews are properly equipped, trained and qualified. We also employ Certified Tree Fallers to meet all WCB regulations and requirements within British Columbia.
Forest Fuel Reduction Treatments
With the ever growing threat of extreme wildfire events it is important to assess and treat forested lands adjacent to structures to reduce fuel loads. Remote lodges and hard to reach sites can pose additional challenges to meet the FireSmart recommendations. Contact us today to discuss your property and how we can help reduce the threat of losses due to wildfire events. Our crew is well versed and trained to tackle challenging locations and logistics.
Hazard Trees?
Decayed, structurally compromised, broken and hung-up trees can pose extreme risk to safely remove them. Our team of Certified Arborists and Fallers are properly trained, equipped and experienced to tackle the most difficult hazard tree situations. We carry extensive liability insurance, WCB coverage and are licensed contractors for Banff, Lake Louise, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks. Not sure if your trees need TLC? Contact us to arrange a Tree Care inspection with a Certified Arborist.
“Fantastic group of people. From the office to the field the experience working with Scott and his staff was seamless and professional. They tackled the job without hesitation and great confidence. I would recommend Green Leaf Tree Services to all my friends and colleagues.”