Enhancing Landscape Safety and Health: Certified Arborists in the Columbia-Kootenay Region

Enhancing Landscape Safety and Health: Certified Arborists in the Columbia-Kootenay Region

Life in the Columbia Valley and East Kootenay regions can be challenging for trees due to the extreme weather conditions and occasional prolonged droughts that stress their health. Often, the early signs of tree stress go unnoticed until it’s too late. However, with proper care under the guidance of certified arborists, trees can thrive even in our unique mountain environment.

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Green Leaf Tree Services is Branching out to Serve Kimberley and Cranbrook BC

Green Leaf Tree Services is Branching out to Serve Kimberley and Cranbrook BC

Green Leaf Tree Services has long been a trusted name in premium tree care services. With our unwavering commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, we are thrilled to announce the expansion of our operations to the vibrant communities of Kimberley and Cranbrook. For 17 years, Green Leaf Tree Services has set the standard for exceptional tree care in the Columbia Valley, from Golden to Canal Flats, BC. Our team's dedication, expertise, and passion for preserving and enhancing tree health have garnered us a reputation for excellence in the Columbia Valley.

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Why Haven't The Leaves Fallen Off My Tree This Winter?

Why Haven't The Leaves Fallen Off My Tree This Winter?

We are deep into the cold days of winter and looking around the Columbia Valley one can’t help but notice trees which are usually bare of leaves at this time of year are still full of brown dead leaves. So what gives? Is there something wrong? Should I be concerned about the health of my tree? All valid questions.

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What is a Certified Arborist?

Once called "tree surgeons", Certified Arborists are those who specialize in individual tree care. Our knowledge in the art and science of tree care comes through experience and education and is tested and verified by the International Society of Arboriculture, the worldwide authority. To stay certified, we undertake ongoing training and adhere to a strict Code of Ethics. We're often called in to fix problems left by untrained tree service companies. It's better to do things right the first time- we're certified arborists and that's what we do.

A Green LEaf Tree Services ISA Certified arborist safely dismantling a tree in golden bc

A Green LEaf Tree Services ISA Certified arborist safely dismantling a tree in golden bc

Vista Enhancement

View enhancement - Windermere BC

Often, views are obscured over time by encroaching vegetation. We are experts at properly pruning and or selectively removing trees to ensure those million dollar views are maintained. The attached photo is a before and after view from our clients deck in Windermere BC. It is very important for the health of the trees to access the canopies without the use of spurs (spikes used to ascend).

To help maintain the health of your trees and to enhance your views make sure to hire professionally certified Arborists and ensure they don't climb your trees using spurs!

For any outdoor stone work or landscape installation, we recommend Set in Stone Landscape Construction

Tree Removal Golden BC

Tree removal Golden BCWe are specialists in large and hazardous tree removals. We are properly trained and certified climbing arborists with many years of experience removing trees in confined and hazardous situations. Using properly trained and certified professionals helps to ensure a safe and successful outcome for your tree removal needs and also protects you the homeowner from any potential liability. The attached picture is from a tree removal project in Golden BC.

Green Leaf is Hiring!

We have a position available in the Columbia Valley for a skilled climber with ISA certification. We are seeking a production climber to lead a crew and to provide excellent tree services to our customers. Experience required in all facets of tree care from removals, fine pruning and structural bracing etc. Drop us a line at info@greenleaftree.ca or call 250-344-0188 for more details

Dormant Oil Spraying

Minimize usage of those nasty pesticides and take advantage of Dormant Spraying. Dormant spraying refers to spraying during the season of the year when deciduous trees and shrubs are leafless, and buds are in the overwintering, dormant condition. Materials applied as dormant sprays include horticulturals oils (dormant oil) and lime sulphur. Horticultural oils mix with water to form a milky emulsion. After the water evaporates, a thin layer of oil is left on the tree. Any overwintering stages of insects such as eggs or pupae, when sprayed with dormant oil, will suffocate. Some examples of these insects are scales, mites, aphids and eggs of moths, such as leafrollers. We will begin spraying in March 2014 prior to buds swelling.